Monday, December 7, 2009

Digi TV Romania nagra key Intelsat 1W

### DigiTV Romania @ Intelsat 1W ###

DigiTV @ Intelsat 10-02 1W

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 2111
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 2011


DigiTV (1°W)

K.e.y 00 :

88 ED 60 27 08 F4 6B B7 80 66 39 6E 78 A9 85 96

*** 00 in HEX: 88ED602708F46BB78066396E78A98596
*** 00 in DEC: 136 237 096 039 008 244 107 183 128 102 057 110 120 169 133 150

For camd3.kéys (camd3.kéys):
1801:002111:0000000000:00:88ED602708F46BB78066396E 78A98596 ; IDEA 86

For CCcam/MGcamd/incubusCamd (SoftCam.***) and EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
N 2111 00 88ED602708F46BB78066396E78A98596 ; IDEA 86

For Newcamd (keylist):
1801:000000:211100::88 ED 60 27 08 F4 6B B7 80 66 39 6E 78 A9 85 96 ; IDEA 86

For GBox (nagra):
I: { 21 11 00 { 88 ED 60 27 08 F4 6B B7 80 66 39 6E 78 A9 85 96 }} # IDEA 86

scam (nagra2):
N: { 2111 00000000 06 08 10 { 88ED602708F46BB78066396E78A98596 }}

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.***)
N 2111 00 88ED602708F46BB78066396E78A98596 ;DigiTV (1°W)

CAM Module HEX ***
00-0: 88 ED 60 27 08 F4 6B B7
00-1: 80 66 39 6E 78 A9 85 96

CAM Module DEC ***
00-0: 136 237 096 039 008 244 107 183
00-1: 128 102 057 110 120 169 133 150

00: 88 ED 60 27 08 F4 6B B7 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10)
01: 80 66 39 6E 78 A9 85 96 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11)

04: 88 ED 60 27 08 F4 6B B7
05: 80 66 39 6E 78 A9 85 96

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?